
Infection Control Statement

Infection Control Annual statement April 2024


We expect our Practice to be clean and tidy and to offer a safe environment for all our patients, visitors and staff. To meet infection control and safety standards guidance our GP’s and Nurses follow protocols that guide treatment processes and the use of clinical equipment. 

Staff, visitors and patients are encouraged to raise any concerns they have or report any significant incidents relating to cleanliness and infection control. Concerns are reviewed and actioned by the appropriate manager in the Practice. Significant events are discussed at our quarterly Clinical Governance meetings. In either case learning will be discussed and if appropriate actions will be taken to identify the improvements we can make to avoid any future problems.



In line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of practice on prevention and control of infection and its related guidance, this annual statement will be generated each year. Reviewing the previous fiscal year it will summarise:

  • Any infection control concerns or significant events including any actions taken.
  • Any infection control audits completed including the outcome and any actions taken.
  • Details of any infection control risk assessments completed.
  • Details of any infection control staff training.
  • Any review or update to policies procedures and guidelines. 



Duty Nurse Emma Turrell is the Practice Lead for Infection Control at the Bosmere Medical Practice assisted by Helen Pinder, Practice Manager and Anita Arnold, Operational Manager. The GP lead for Infection Control is Dr Tommy Chung. 



In the fiscal year (1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024) there were no significant events related to infection control. 



Risk assessments are a structured approach to outlining risks and identifying actions that can reduce or eliminate these risks. These actions can then be integrated into Practice protocols to ensure all staff are following processes that minimise or eliminate risk wherever possible.

The Practice managers and the partners have met as required to discuss and review the risks. 

Protocols relating to infection control risks will continue to be written and updated as required. 



Following this audit changes were made to waste collection services and training needs were identified. Infection control legislation and auditing processes were reviewed for all for all new infection control leads. Further audits will be carried out this year. 

Audits evaluate the level of compliance with current guidance and help ensure that infection control standards are maintained continuously. 



Annual training has been and will continue to be undertaken as follows:

  • Annual Infection Control updates to be undertaken by all staff at the practice electronically.
  • Staff training to attend refresher training as per training guidelines.
  • All staff to have a refresher on hand hygiene and be certified competent.



Procare continue to be our cleaning service provider. During the last fiscal year they adhered to PPE requirements and attended for additional deep cleaning as required. 



It is our aim to review, update and create policies, procedures and guidelines annually or sooner if needed. Protocols continue to be updated on a yearly basis.

As national policies and guidance change the Practice will continue to adjust its protocols. It remains our policy to only use single use instruments.

Infection Control continues to be a key focus for the practice and we remain committed to the safe and effective care of our patients and the safe working environment to our staff.